In always looking for new items, new products, new materials, above all by creating value through cooperation with producers and customers trying to create added value that satisfies both.
We try to offer our experience, knowledge and ability to satisfy the requests of our customers, thanks to an international group that can operate with Asian and American suppliers by communicating in their language. Our continuous stays in various countries help us understand how to operate best.
We have researched hundreds of products, both finished and produced on request, from products for the home, for parties, for stationery, pastry shops, but also for sectors such as plumbing, hardware, up to the final delivery. With 25 years of experience in China, staff of Chinese and Italian origin, we can search and find many products thinking both from the Italian and the Chinese side.AK Europe is a Stop&Go, many customers have found new product lines or improved their margins trade with our help.
BUSINESS: our main activities

Customer-friendly product searches
Clothing products, components for electronic products, sheet metal supplies, steel, standard products.

Supplier search, intermediation for the development of commercial relationships between Chinese and Italian companies.
We update the typology of products and sectors regularly following the market and the requests from our customers
We mainly deal with identifying and searching for factories producing products or sub-components:
Ready-to-use clothing products to customize
Industrial and commercial products for the kitchen and bathroom, home improvement and furniture
Models to be created on the instructions of customers, stylists or commercial companies
“Sourcing” operations for components produced in China in the most diverse sectors: plastic, steel, aluminium, natural products.
Products for the home or for furnishings
We help online sellers find supplies, products and help them purchase and receive the product
Support service for new sellers on online platforms (Amazon, Ebay..)
Supporto nel servizio completo ai nuovi venditori : registrazioni dei marchi, costruzione mini-siti Amazon (A+ e simili), aiutiamo a impostare la pubblicità.