In Brescia Mr. Davide Massaria met the big delegation of Hubei Province, with leaders Deputy Director Yu XueYu and Wuhan Commerce Director Liu Liang and several representatives from Tourism and Culture Bureaus.
Mr. Massaria is an old friend of Hubei Province Commerce and Foreign Affair having cooperate for long time since the ’90, meeting regularly at Jinmao Building in Wuhan downtown, the Office building of Hubei Province Administration the most important directors to help Hubei Province to increase the business operation of Hubei Province and culture exchange mission to develop good relations with foreign markets, in particular Europe.
In this particular day Mr. Massaria donated some Prosecco sparkling wine bottles produced in the Valley of Valdobbiadene and Farra di Soligo as next topic to discuss to enlarge the exchange of food and wine culture combining school’s agreements, student’s exchange and food, wine exchange.
Italian provinces and cities are operating on details to support the Silk Road Project.